速報APP / 音樂與音效 / Radio Iraq free - Iraqui radio stations

Radio Iraq free - Iraqui radio stations





版本需求:Android 4.0.3 以上版本



Radio Iraq free - Iraqui radio stations(圖1)-速報App

Radio Iraq Free, radio for Android allows you to listen without limits radio stations on the internet to listen to your favorite songs at any time and it's FREE radio!

Listen to live radio from more than 1000 stations that broadcast styles of classical music, rock, jazz, electronic music, house, tech, news, Sport, shows, concerts and much more. Enjoy, 100.4 Radio Sawa Iraq, 1548 Radio Sawa Gulf, 95.7 Radio One Iraq, 96.3 Dengi Kurdsat, among others. Iraq internet radio stations bring you the best music, new songs and much more, all in a FREE MUSIC PLAYER.

Radios Iraq Free is the only application in Play store that allows you to listen to radio for ANDROID and also for BLUETOOTH!

Radios Iraq - Radio Application:


• Internet radio gives you access to live radio stations from around the world

Radio Iraq free - Iraqui radio stations(圖2)-速報App

• You can choose radios by country

• It is completely free to access digital radio

• You can create your own list of favorite radios, and you can also see the list of recent listeners

• Alarm Clock Function

• Timer function, you can set the time to turn off the sound

• Has Equalizer for the music player, equalizes the music to your liking

Radio Iraq free - Iraqui radio stations(圖3)-速報App

• You can listen to radio without headphones

• It is very simple to search radios and share them with your friends

• New design features with material design style for mobile

Stations and stations of local and world online radio stations:

98.8 UR FM

99.3 Babylon FM

Radio Iraq free - Iraqui radio stations(圖4)-速報App

BBC Arabic

New Life Radio

XFM 105.7

Radio Sawa Iraq

Radio Nawa

Radio Al-Bilad

Radio Iraq free - Iraqui radio stations(圖5)-速報App

Any comment you can write to: maryper430@gmail.com

Keep listening to Radio Iraq FREE

Radio Iraq free - Iraqui radio stations(圖6)-速報App